Wednesday, January 18, 2017


The Movie begins with few moments of silence....the screen is blank and no sound....then suddenly you hear the sound of the night creatures......the narration is can be watched to know about the history of our missionaries have suffered in order to preach Jesus Christ
silence andrew garfield

This film is worth watching and worth of our money.....well enacted and presented the is a long movie compared to our normal action  movie.....there is no action happening but it is leading you to experience Silence in the theaters as well as that SILENCE that we experience in the face of so many problems, sufferings and killings all around......There is no back ground music....but it is shot in a beautiful are looking for an entertaintment then i advise please dont waste your time and money....but if you are looking for something that you would like to know about the Missions and the Missionaries.....their life and hardwork.....what they need to sacrifice for their faith in Jesus...

silence liam neeson

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