Friday, February 7, 2014

Sheep without Shepherd

In today's Gospel, Jesus wants to take stock of the situation with his disciples on the way back from their first apostolic mission. He is interested in what " they had done and taught ." As the apostle must faithfully transmit the word that has been entrusted with the conduct must bear witness to the truth it teaches. They have worked hard and need to rest. Jesus said to them, " Come away by yourselves to a lonely place , and rest a while . '"
But they have to learn other lessons. First of all, that the apostle is not a salaried , at fixed hours , with paid vacations and bonuses for overtime . No, the apostle is a volunteer , a person absolutely " donated" . People arrive , waiting for a word : "They had no leisure even to eat ," notes St. Mark .
They should especially learn how to have the " look apostolic ."
The gaze of Jesus on the men and women who gather around them. " Jesus had compassion on them , because they were like sheep without a shepherd." The missionary spirit is born from a certain outlook on people. A look that does not stop at appearances. A look at who guesses the hidden needs . Not only material needs , the thirst for love , secret anxieties , but also the need for God and His salvation .
There may be many ways to look at a crowd. Businessmen will see consumers; politicians supporters or simply a ballot , the traders of customers; sports fans ; workers in the mass -media of readers, listeners , viewers' ; vedettes of the fans. ..
Everyone looks the other surface that reduce the profit that can be gained from them.
The apostle sees " the man in his reality , which has its own story of his life and , above all, a story of his own soul ... The Man in the full truth of his existence ... This man is the way of the Church ... "( John Paul II, Redemptor hominis , 14) . That is, each person in his individuality .
How many people in the world today are sheep without a shepherd ! Give them bread is relatively easy ; offer their services , especially if you feel rewarded with an affectionate gratitude , it is just as easy. But give God the privilege of one who knows he is loved by God and love others in Jesus' words, one who , like Jesus, has the eyes of God

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