Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The morning session of the Chapter

The Custos of Malawi presenting his report
 The delegates listen very attentively
 They are getting ready to ask him some questions on the growth of the custody
 Provincial Minister presenting his report

 The economo is presenting his report.
he capitulars gathered for the Morning prayer at 6am followed by the mass and during the Mass i delivered my key note address. Of course it was spiritual as well as fraternal, The message was based on the call to live true brothers in order to give a witness to a broken world. 
The morning session began at 8.45am with a prayer and roll call. After that the moderator invited the Provincial minister to present his report. After the report there was discussion and clarifications were sought. Br. Raphy presented a comphrensive and inclusive report. it was transparent like a crystal glass. there were not many questions from the chapter delegates.
The Malwai custody report was presented by its newly elected custos. He gave in a nutshell and in birds eye view the entire report including the life and activities of the friars.
Next came the financial report by the economy who did a wonderful job giving the picture of the financial situation of the province. He presented in such a clear way that the friars had not questions to ask him and the report was passed with some minor changes in the figure and names.

 The various secretaries for the chapter, doing their work of minuting and drafting. Good guys!

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