Monday, July 7, 2014

Pio Illam Friary and Matriculation School, Arcot

Arcot is about 20 Km from Vellor. This morning we drove down to Arcot. The superior and the community members warmly and fraternally welcomed me. At 11am we began with an opening talk for about one hour followed by Lunch. The friars will meet me individually in the evening and tomorrow. Arcot is an historical place where the Muslim rulers ruled for number of years. It is well situated place and has access to the railway station. Our friary is just 3 Km away from Arcot town. The friars have Padre Pio school and other social activities like driving school, tailoring, counseling etc. They have a small parish comprising of 100 families. The school is in its infancy stage. They have just 300 children and expecting to increase in the  coming years. The friars are young and energetic. They have property around 9 acres.
The Parish church of the Capuchins
 Visit to the social center, friar Sathiyan is showing the registers of the enter. Here all activities take place like motor driving and tailoring

 The machines for practical training of Motor driving

 Next to the office is this beautiful Mayflower!.... In this part of Arcot its not raining but the rains are expected anytime in this month.

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