Wednesday, March 4, 2015


 BR. DOMINIC ex-provincial is the guardian of the friary.....This is the first house of the Capuchins opened in 1865 by the Italian was also the first Novitiate and formation house for the missionaries.....The school which was started by the capuchins later on handed to the Patrician the capuchins have only the parish and a big friary which is used for retreats and other animation programs for the Province, diocese and other religious is a hill station 6000 feet above the sea level....throughout the year very cool climate...
 There are two religious congregations helping the Patrician brothers who run a residential school...very rich people of India and NRI who send their children for schooling here....

 Dominic is very happy to be here....he is a spiritual father to the sisters and brothers here....he goes around to preach recollections too....

 Many of our friars are buried here.....good to see and say a small pray for these great and heroic capuchin missionaries from Italy...many of them were responsible for founding local congregations for sisters

 This is a school run by the Patrician brothers...
 It is a sprawling institute.......

 This is our poor capuchin monastery.....more than hundred years old......undergoing some repairs...

 Ideal monastery for retreats and contemplation.....
 Old refectory.....

The friary is situated on the Hill.....all around beautiful snows too sometimes....

 A war memorial in the compound.....

 Sisters lending a helping hand to the parish priest and brothers....

 A huge cross erected in memory of Capuchin Missionaries in North India.....this cross can be seen from the plain....

 Friar Jose, young priest.....ordained last year.....he is provincial secretary.....Dominic is ever young and green friar...

 Visited the brothers too.....Principal of the Hindi medium school

 Irish brother who is the superior invited us for the lunch......

 The Capuchin emblem and the date of our arrival....

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