Wednesday, June 17, 2015

General council session with Benedict and Antonio Belpiede

This morning we had Br. Benedict, our JPCI member who is doing a wonderful work in organizing many important events in the Order. He is in touch with all the members of JPCI in the provinces. He presented to us a report of their meeting held in the month of May here in Curia. He also informed the various meetings and animation programs coming up in various conferences. He is very much active and giving his 100% to this commission. The commission has really caught the attention of everyone. certain things which were non-functional have been made functional. He has developed a good rapport with some social organizations and trying his best to get some financial help for the social work in the Order. The most import work so far done is the catalogue of the social work carried on in the Order. It is a ready reckon which will be sent to all the conferences. We appreciated him for his hard work and broad vision for the commission. His dedication is tremendous and he works in collaboration with the solidarity commission and formation council. He has good members on the commission from various parts of the Order.

The later half of the morning session we had invited Br. Antonio to speak to us on some juridical issues. As usual with his expertise he mesmerized us. He is a walking dictionary and encyclopedia of canonical and juridical matters. He threw very important light on certain moral issues which need a great attention and faithfulness....we appreciated his work for the Order along with his vice Br. Albert....

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