Friday, June 26, 2015

JPE Animation and Franciscans International: Benedict Ayodi

We should promote respect for human rights and dignity, especially of the poor and outcast.
 Benedict is promoting our constitutions reaffirmation of our commitment to JPE, in keeping with the spirit of St. Francis we should be heralds of peace and salvation, not just proclaiming them by our words but spreading then by deeds inspired by fraternal charity.
JPIC in the documents of the Church. Pope Francis is emerging as a pope of The social Gospel, since becoming pope, he has shown a great interest in justice, peace and ecological issues.
The Basis of JPIC in our Holy Constitutions......Current engagement by the General Minister and his council.....
 Some Challenges: JPIC is a very large field, often times we don't know where to start and what to do. it concerns are complex and often of delicate nature. hence it needs expertise. most of the brothers are not sufficiently equipped to face these challenges. lack of organizational structures and budget planning for JPIC. Lack of adequate support and encouragement from administration and brothers. Prejudices idealogical perceptions of JPIC. Discontinuity in management  and policy implementation. lack of information about those projects and how they relate to JPIC. Provincialism, individualism and self-fulfilment throughout the Order.

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