Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Questions and Answers with Bishop Fisichella

 The sense of loss of God….for many God does not matter and does not exist….
Secularism is strong
Internet is one culture….
The phone and Internet. is not an instrument but a mode of living. We need to enter into this world…..enter into the virtual world of Internet….the community does not communicate with each other but they are communicating with the whole world through internet….we find everything in internet….but what relationship do we have with that what we find…Many things are written about you by others…..
Internet anticipates what you are looking and searching….gives you an answer….one culture new one….
Christianity met with various cultures….how it entered with it….today we have this culture…..the secularism…..
Globalization …Pope has spoken positive in Laudato SII….
Primacy of Grace…..
We have to announce the salvation….Jesus Christ ….who wants all to be saved….
New Evangelization….Church in outgoing….in this evangelization it is we who are to be touched and not others…..
Pope speaks of Pastoral conversion…when he speaks of ecological conversion….
The conversion consists in modifying our lives in community……a community that becomes a missionary……

 We invite parishioners to church or parish….today we need to go to them….Church which needs to go out going
Missionary is one who is in coherent with the Baptism….
Mission where you don’t exclude nobody….most of the times we exclude and judge
A radical change….the invitation is to all….not to exclude anyone..
What sense do my life has……what plan of God in my life….
The desire of life and happiness the people have inside them…how can I help people to be happy…
How to be a testimony of Gospel….evangelization is transmission of faith… of having met Jesus and I transmit…..
Are we persons who are happy with first contact with Jesus…..
We ask the married people to live their moment of falling in love….what about us who are called by the Lord, can we re-live the moment when the Lord called..
A mission without vocation has no meaning…a call becomes a mission which is living and active
Have you maintained your charism alive…..the structures are not evangelization…when charism is exhausted everything is over….keep living and alive the charism….

 Fraternal moments.....Arun, Albert and Raffaele...

 Friar Pio Murat is asking a question in French...everyone excited to hear him.....everyone's eyes turned to him.....even the General Minister....attentively listening to the question.....he received an answer in Italian...

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