Monday, November 2, 2015

Br. Pio Murat's talk continues

 Bishop Claudio Nostrum, my rector in Collegio San Lorenzo year 1995-1997......he paid us a surprise visit to CPO...

Starting from the PCO, John Corriveau, put forward the following principles, in order of priority: for us Franciscans, work is our first means of subsistence.
When work is unable to meet all of life's necessities, the brothers may have recourse to the table of the Lord, as Saint Francis suggests.
when neither work nor questing suffice, one can have recourse to the international solidarity of the Order
Recourse to financial reserves or investment can be justified in cases of obvious need.
John C. proposes: respect employment law concerning hiring. Make sure that any situations that go against this norm are not considered normal. Avoid the development of a Boss mentality 
Our Manner of working according to the Constitutions of 2012: Gathering together the various proposals of PCO VI, the new constitutions specify how and under what conditions a friar's wok becomes an expression of the entire brotherhood.
The collaboration of outsiders calls for prudence and requires courtesy and justice on our part in accordance with the law. The fraternity must be consulted, as often as this is possible, when hiring employees.
The Letter of Br. Mauro convoking PCO VIII: The evaluation of work as a source of subsistence has to take account of two key criteria: Brotherhood and Minority.
What choices are we called to make and to foster? And what sort of fraternal life do we intend to live in a profoundly changed context?
concern for common good, the necessity of putting obedience into practice, of sacrifice, and the readiness to serve, of which we speak so often.

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