Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Formation Council Meeting in the General Curia...working on Ratio Formationis

 The Annual meeting of the International Formation council meeting began yesterday....the members are from different conferences who represent the formation houses.....they began arriving on Sunday....

 Charles and Jaime....have been preparing for the same since long......this time they are preparing the Ration Formationis which has to be presented for the General Chapter in 2018

 The General Minister delivered his key note address to the members....underlying the importance of the Capuchin Franciscan formation in today's world.....

General Minister having 12 years of Experience of animating the Order speaks with conviction and affirms that without good formation we cannot evangelise and be the voice of Francis today...

 Christy is the member from CCMSI.....he does wonderful work.....

 Jaime is the strong pillar of the formation council along with Charles....

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