Thursday, December 1, 2016

Visit to Bishop Camillo and Dinner !!!!!!

 As Jesus moved on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting, “Son of David, help us!” When he was about to enter the house, the blind men caught up with him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do what you want?” They answered, “Yes, sir!”

Then Jesus touched their eyes and said, “As you have believed, so let it be.” And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus gave them a stern warning, “Be careful and let no one know about this.” But as soon as they went away, they spread the news about him through the whole area.

In the first reading, Yahweh promises to lift up the poor and the lowly.  God is salvation for Israel, the Chosen People of God.  As long as she strives to walk in his ways, Yahweh will always come to her help and defend her from tyrants and oppressors.  

How about you?  On which camp are you – the oppressed or the oppressors?  Hopefully we belong to the former.  And even if nobody oppresses us seriously, unfortunate events, our sins and temptations can also oppress us and make us miserable, compelling us to ask for God’s saving help.  
 In the Gospel reading, two blind men ask Jesus to cure them.  How did these men come to have such faith in Jesus?  They must have heard about the miracles Jesus had done, the many people Jesus had healed and most important of all, the compassion of Jesus towards the weak and the downtrodden.  Therefore, they began to believe not only in his power to cure but also in his desire to help all those who asked for it. That is why they were able to say to Jesus that they believed he could cure them.  Do you have faith not only that God exists, but also that he wants to cure you of your diseases and sicknesses?  We are all sick of something and if we want to be cured, we must ask God for faith in his Son who was sent to save mankind from sins and sicknesses.

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